miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017
La calle es nuestra " Al carre es nostra"
Dicen "Al carre es nostra" "La calle es nuestra"
No espereis violencia contra violencia ya sea escrita, de palabra o de obra.... si vuestras armas son esas, todo estara perdido ,porque los movimientos pacificos, el no entrar en dialogos morbidos y desagradables para contestaros o incitaciones al odio ya sea de palabra o de obra... no es nuestra meta y si es la vuestra escribireis, hablareis o incitareis al aire que os rodea, no a nosotros... vuestra consigan es "a por ellos" la nuestra es simplemente no entrar en el juego... eso hizo Gandhi y salio con todo su pueblo del yugo de Inglaterra...lo hizo en silencio y sin luchar, su unica arma la sonrisa, la paciencia y la fuerza espiritual... Que leccion estan dando nuestro jovenes, que tienen la sangre caliente como cualquier adolescente, pero estan dotados de un cerebro que piensa y quieren tener un futuro, que parece que se les esta negando... hay que abrir nuevas puertas dicen , y lo hacen en la calle, con risas y canticos... dicen que la calle es de ellos, y yo me pregunto si no es de ellos? de quien es?
They say "Al carre es nostra" "The street is ours"
Do not expect violence against violence either written, verbal or deed .... if your weapons are those, everything will be lost, because the peaceful movements, not entering into morbid and unpleasant dialogues to answer or incite hatred either of word or deed ... is not our goal and if it is yours you will write, you will speak or incite the air that surrounds you, not us ... your get is "for them" ours is simply not to enter the game ... that Gandhi did and left with all his people from the yoke of England ... he did it in silence and without fighting, his only weapon is the smile, the patience and the spiritual strength ... What lesson is our youth giving us? they have hot blood like any teenager, but they are endowed with a brain that thinks and wants to have a future, which seems to be being denied ... we have to open new doors, they say, and they do it in the street, with laughter and chants ... they say the street is theirs, and I wonder if it's not from them? whose is it?

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