domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

A dream or nightmare....

Last night I had a dream or nightmare ... weird dark, I did not want to remember it again, but they say that writing or talking about it, helps to forget it. I was walking through Barcelona, ​​it looked like Paseo de Gracia, I'm sure, the streets were empty of vehicles, only people walking in silence ... there was not a sound, not even the one they made while walking, they passed by me side but without touching me, ,,,, when you get to Calle Aragon, in one of its corners, where La Cros used to be, there was something in its entrance that was half hidden by people, who passed by, stopped, watched and followed with that walk without a destination, so I saw them. I wanted to know what was causing them to stop and observe, to cross the street and finally I could see what was on the sidewalk at the entrance of that building ... there was simply a tumulus with four large candles lit and on top of a coffin open ... not wanted to look what contained inside but something inside me called to do it ... and look, what I saw inside really blew my blood, the bier was full of pieces badly cut fabric , mixed with each other, there were three flags, La Senyera, La Española and Estelada ... I was stuck there, but then I followed my way aimlessly as all the people around me ... and so I woke up. By nekrokris

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