martes, 31 de julio de 2018

To day...

In a cloud, white, vaporous and cold would like to rest during these days, coal of the horror of this heat... because I always hate summer, but over the years, this climate distorted and crazy, fruit of that feared change that seemed to be something mythical , it has become a pure reality, it is making me come out of any moment of peace. My blood boils, my dose of adrenaline go away, my side is more violent and seems to have no brake as it is increasing at the same time as the thermal. I try to assimilate that heat, that fire that comes out even from the ground, but it is impossible, even looking for the shadow, and I lose every day more, my balance. By nekrokris En una nube, blanca, vaporosa y fria quisiera descansar durante estos dias, hullendo del horror de este calor... porque odio desde siempre el Verano, pero con el paso de los años, este clima distorsionado y loco, fruto de ese temido cambio que parecia ser algo mitico, se ha transformado en una pura realidad, me esta haciendo salir de cualquier momento de paz. Mi sangre hierve, mi dosis de adrenalina se diparan, aflora mi lado mas violento y parece no tener freno ya que va aumentando al mismo tiempo que la termica. Intento asimilar ese calor, ese fuego que sale incluso del suelo, pero me es imposible, incluso buscando la sombra, y pierdo cada dia mas, mi equilibrio. Por nekrokris

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