jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

We are losing our nest..

Looking for the light, in the darkness of a world that breaks, it stirs of pain, that pain of one who has been mortally wounded and does not do it in silence ... does not know silence. When she was happy, her life was plethoric and her sounds helped us to feel alive and to love her, it was certainly normal, being her and only her our nest. But now we are terrified of their sounds and their reactions .. is so painful and really their only release is violence. The sweet sound of the waves of their seas and oceans have turned into terrible rumbles, destroying with anger all that is within their reach. The beautiful sound of the wind agitating the trees, has been transformed into endless tornadoes and hurricanes, sowing death and destruction. And when his pain is almost irresistible opens his entrails enguyendo in that attack of madness everything that is around him. We have wounded to death, not only our beautiful and warm nest ... and do not lead us to deceit, we have come to harm our great Mother Earth with inexplicable limits. Now there is no cure, after the Industrial Revolution, the man's mad career for murdering our beautiful Planet has been his goal and he has really succeeded. By nekrokris Estamos perdiendo nuestro nido.. Buscando la luz, entre las tinieblas de un Mundo que se rompe, se agita de dolor, de ese dolor de quien ha sido herido de muerte y no lo hace en silencio... no conoce el silencio. Cuando era feliz, su vida era pletorica y sus sonidos nos ayudaban a sentirnos vivos y amarla, sin duda era algo normal, siendo ella y solo ella nuestro nido. Pero ahora nos aterran sus sonidos y sus reacciones.. anda tan dolorida y realmente su unico desahogo es la violencia. El dulce sonido de las olas de sus mares y oceanos se han tornado en terribles estruendos destruyendo con ira, todo lo que esta a su alcance. El bello sonido del viento agitando los arboles, se ha transformado en inacabables tornados y huracanes, sembrando la muerte y la destruccion. Y cuando su dolor es casi irresistible abre sus entrañas enguyendo en ese ataque de locura todo cuanto se halla a su alrededor. Hemos herido de muerte, no solo a nuestro hermoso y tibio nido...y no nos llevemos a engaño, hemos llegado a dañar a nuestra gran madre Tierra con limites inexplicables. Ahora ya no tiene cura, tras la Revolucion industrial, la loca carrera del hombre por asesinar a nuestro bello Planeta ha sido su meta y realmente lo ha conseguido. Por nekrokris

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