viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Love...lack of love...

Love is something special and often cruel ... according to the age when it makes you feel bad moments ... when love breaks in childhood or adolescence, creates a tremendous emptiness, it is as if the ground ceded under your Feet ... I remember that almost dark time of adolescence and I had a couple of bad moments of that story, as is unrequited love or lost ... there are girls whose parents hurt at those times even come to give them with A vacation for that love to forget ... I never had that luck and I know that many girls do not have it ... It seems that they do not have importance those bad moments .. and often we almost conceal it but the parents realize, only that they do not know to measure that pain that sensation of emptiness ... I really feel more sorry for those parents, than for those young people, since that will make them stronger even now, it seems that nothing is beautiful anymore. They will really know the World that they tread and that is a treasure that in the times that run. By nekrokris

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