viernes, 15 de septiembre de 2017

There is no future for them ...

Whenever we see a child, we have a feeling of sweetness, as if we were moved by his image, his aura of innocence ... But every time that feeling is becoming for me something different, that sweetness has become sadness, the sadness of someone who thinks you were sweet creatures, that children who play in the parks even those who are slowly leaving the children, are destined to a violent and uncertain future, where even their nest Mother Earth is going to become something inhospitable ... And what is the root of all this? the human being !!! that same human that has brought them to the World, how much foolishness, how much greed, how much envy, how much violence ... a bad planting so that our future generations, who have done nothing, are those who pick it up when they grow up. By nekrokris