jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017
Our world...
Although the World often seems huge and inhospitable to us, we have to know that something very ours and not for its defects whose causes we are ourselves, to stop loving it ... on the contrary it is our nest, and even if it becomes its quagmire, We will have to find something beautiful to go ahead ...
By nekrokris

My land ... my sea ..
My land ... my sea ..
I am citizen of the World, I do not distinguish of races, languages, or borders, for me none of that exists, I was always like this .. But when the cold wind whips my face to the shores of a bustling Mediterranean sea raising beautiful white waves, I feel that inside my vibe is shaken and blood flows strongly through my veins.And it is that something within me arises like a flame and it is when for a moment I cease to belong to that World Global to which I belong and I simply become a daughter of my sweet land Catalonia and beautiful Mare Nostrum.
By nekrokris
martes, 7 de marzo de 2017
World Woman's Day!
Dia Mundial de la mujer!
Un año mas llegamos a esta celebracion, que año tras año vemos como realmente nada cambia para la mujer, sin duda incluso me atreveria a decir que sin freno alguno la mujer esta perdiendo casi sin darse cuenta todo lo conseguido, incluso con su sangre y con su vida... con un pasado oscuro y con pocos triunfos, ahora estamos casi en una espiral que recuerda con horror las epocas mas malas de nuestro sexo... discriminacion en el trabajo, en las escuelas, en la sociedad que cada dia es mas machista.Con esos precedentes es dificil celebrar esta fecha no huele a flores ni perfumes, si no ha muerte de todas esas victimas de la violencia de genero que cada dia aumenta en numero.
No puedo sentirme feliz y mucho menos celebrar este dia. Todas las generaciones han luchado para conseguir el derecho a la igualdad de genero pero ha sido un trabajo y un sacrificio baldio...
No tengo mas palabras,.... se perdieron en el tiempo, en el que aun creia en utopias.... Mujeres del Mundo, ya que no os han permitido cambiarlo, luchar en el refugio de vuestros hogares para que vuestras hijas si consigan esa igualdad...
By nekrokris
World Woman's Day!
One more year we arrive at this celebration, that year after year we see as nothing really changes for the woman, without doubt I would even dare to say that without any brake the woman is losing almost without realizing everything achieved, even with her blood and with His life ... with a dark past and few triumphs, we are now almost in a spiral that recalls with horror the worst times of our sex ... discrimination at work, in schools, in society that every day is More macho. With these precedents it is difficult to celebrate this date does not smell of flowers or perfumes, if there is death of all those victims of gender violence that every day increases in number.
I can not feel happy and much less celebrate this day. All generations have struggled to achieve the right to gender equality but it has been a wasteful job and a sacrifice ...
I have no more words, .... were lost in time, in which I still believe in utopias .... Women of the World, since they have not allowed you to change it, fight in the shelter of your homes so that your daughters if Get that equality ...
By nekrokris

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